Find the Right Keywords

Finding the right keywords for your website/blog is extremely essential. Why would you use a name or write something that few people actually interested? Good keywords are words that many people searching everyday. So, the demand would be higher and you'll have higher chance for having decent traffic to your website.

Spend 10 minutes to stay calm and brainstorm what kind of topics that you want to talk about. Write down all the keywords in a blank paper. Now check every keywords you've listed down with Google Adwords. Just key the keyword you want to check in provided space and they'll provide you a simple report.

Here is one of the example i'm going to show you.

First look at the global monthly searches and local monthly searches. Higher means there are more people actually search using this keyword. But you'll have to consider the competition. Sometimes "hot" keywords will tend to have higher competition too. So, everything's about balancing. Look for the keywords that suits you.